Oakland A's GM and noted fan of football (the lame, European version, not the awesome American one) William Lamar Beane III, has decided that spending a bunch of money on free agent bats who had no interest in playing for his team wasn't possible. Rather than sit on this money (which he has done in years past) he decided the next best thing is to sign relievers. I am no fan of the current version of Brian Fuentes, and the fact that Grant Balfour's last name is BALL FOUR is a bit off putting, at least initially. My guess is Billy played a really inspired round of Strato-Matic Baseball a few weeks ago and stumbled upon a statistical deficiency in MLB relievers, and that this will somehow result in his team winning a World Series. Keep in mind, this is the same man who once famously proclaimed that he could win a World Series with 9 Scott Hattebergs. I am still a believer in William Lamar Beane III and his revolutionary way of using statistical analysis to evaluate and project how a player will perform each year, but at the end of the day he hasn't brought my team a World Series. His schtick is beginning to wear thin, and his already ample ego will no doubt grow to Prince Fielder-like proportions when he sees Brad Pitt playing him on the silver screen when Moneyball hits theaters. At the very least, Spring Training will bring about a new set of feelings. A new set of...
baseball feelings.
as an Internet Baseball Guy it is clear to me that relievers are worthless unless you already have everything else so why bother HOWEVER also as an Internet Baseball Guy it is clear to me that everything Billy Beane does is not just right but visionary and so as you can tell I am pretty conflicted over here