Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tigers 5, Yankees 3: I Kind of Love Balks

Boone LOLgan, imo
Look. Sunday's game was amazing. Max Scherzer, of all people, was utterly magnificent; Miguel Cabrera continues to build his legacy as one of baseball's all-time great drunks; Victor Martinez is unstoppable with runners on. I am not going to expand on any of those topics here, though, because whatever baseball feelings I could muster on those subjects could only ever be but the merest droplets of rain compared to the raging ocean of baseball feeling that is washing over our dear Neil with every pitch. I wouldn't even presume to presume. Those things are his. They are his.

But I would like, for a moment, to talk to you about Boone Logan's balk, because it was an amazing balk, one of the best, in my view. At first, everything was cool, which is of course always the case before a balk, but is notable all the same, I feel. Then, Derek Jeter begins to yell at him, as though there were some kind of play on that he just hadn't picked up on, which is entirely possible. Also, it would just be upsetting for Derek Jeter to yell at you at all, ever, for any reason, probably. And so Boone Logan just kind of stopped what he was doing, Boone Logan did, and then totally balked. 

I mean, just look at it. It is a tremendous balk.


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