Monday, May 7, 2012

Sad DC 18-10

sure, it was massive crushage at the hands of the Phils tonight
and Shaggy Werth broked his wrist but you know what?
maybe he needed to break his wrist
maybe Zimmy and Werth and Mike Morse all needed
to make psychic room for The Ultimate Harper to inject
this team with his wild Charlie Hustleness
(he stole home for the lone Nat run, did you see that?)

this is a team that was basically homeless, sleeping on subway grates
and no one loved them, and they got shipped to DC because of
the free mental health resources available, and they were not
supposed to be rehabilitated enough to even hold down a job
until next year, and here we are already talking promotions to
"playoff contender" so I say fuck it to it all
let this year unfold wildly and bizarrely
and let us rejoice in the bizarre nature of this team
so full of potential and quirky youthful superstars in the making
that normal baseball conventions and worries need not apply
fuck baseball conventions and fuck baseball worries
the best thing for baseball in DC is for it to be less like baseball in DC

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