Wednesday, March 28, 2012


they are right to think he is cool
It is of course undeniable that Dustin Ackley and Felix Hernandez had a lot to do with the Mariners' 3-1, eleventh-inning win over the Athletics in Tokyo in the opening game of this probably glorious 2012 Major League season, but is it not awesome, I ask you, that Ichiro went 4-5 and knocked in a run? Is it not? Here, look at him busting out of the box on an infield single, the first hit of the year: 

Also, and finally, I would like to propose that there always be a baseball game going on when I get up in the morning, because today I found this arrangement agreeable to the extreme.


1 comment:

  1. Padded downstairs at 10:00 AM to put on the game that I'd DVR'ed and was eating an omelette when Ackley, who I'd selected in the 15th round TWELVE HOURS PRIOR socked a dinger.

    Agreeable to the extreme INDEED.
