Saturday, August 10, 2024

2024 Games One-Hundred-Nine through One-Hundred-Eleven: Blue Jays 5, Orioles 2; Orioles 7, Blue Jays 3; Blue Jays 7, Orioles 6


go Vladdy go

Well alright! Well okay! Two out of three from the first-place Orioles! That's all we need! Do that like eight more times and we're right back at .500! And still probably in last place in the AL East, but there is a quiet dignity to every .500 season, in my view, and it remains my genuine although distant hope that we get there. I will note, though, that one problem we seem likely to come up against in that regard is that, between the deadline deals and some regrettably persistent injuries, the bullpen is looking a little thin, quite frankly; things are a little lean out there. A little lean. Out there.   


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