Thursday, April 16, 2015


Some nights, it all comes together. For the Washington Nationals, that means they were actually able to score some runs AND their defense didn't decide to bail out in celebration. They salvaged not being swept by the Red Sox, and have maintained their steady pace of winning one-game of every series so far this year. They get to return home and play the Phillies. The cherry blossoms are in bloom in DC, and there's a killer collection of Mingering Mike's artwork at the Smithsonian art museum. Mingering Mike is a dude who made imaginary album covers for imaginary music, and it's all pretty amazing stuff. One thing that sucks about professional sports is the industrialization of finding and developing talent has been built so heavily off of metrics and colonial philosophies to this point that there's little chance of weird idiot savants incubating anonymously somewhere on earth, who develop like space magnetic curveballs or weird shit like that. It's a shame. The world is too fucking small sometimes.
Nats are 3-6.

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