Friday, February 10, 2012

I Worry the Mets Might be Sending Mixed Messages

Anyone heard these Mets are broke rumors, have you heard about this?

With spring training just nine days away and preseason expectations at their lowest point since that one year everyone thought the Mets were getting Juan Gonzalez and they didn't (lol), there has been a lot of talk in the Mets blogosphere about the reasons why this team could suck on ice.  Naturally, everything circles back to the fact that the Wilpons are a bunch of clowns who would probably be taken in by any scam artist with even the most half-baked of nefarious ideas.  
Ladies and gentlemen, the new part owners of the New York Mets!

I've never heard of GOOD NEWS coming in the form of "Hey guys, we might only owe $83 million dollars because we did business with a sketchy businessman and definitely knew about/were so stupid that we were taken in by his glorified pyramid scheme.  At least it's not like $800 million, right guys?"  Nevertheless, that's where the Mets stand as the court ruling that stated they owed less than $100 million was portrayed in the papers as a major victory for the franchise.   Never mind the fact that the team reported a $70 million+ loss last season, needed a $40 million bridge loan from Bank of America to keep the lights on, had the greatest payroll drop from one season to the next in MLB history and was basically begging for people to shell out $20 million apiece for part-ownership stakes.  

This week, a story got around the Mets blogosphere saying that Lo Hud Mets Blog editor Howard Megdal had been informed by Mets brass that his access to the Mets clubhouse was being revoked.  When asked why, the reason he received from the Mets PR department was that the club "didn't like his reporting."  The issues seemed to stem from the publication of Megdal's book "Wilpon's Folly" which detailed the financial and legal issues stemming from the Wilpons' association with Bernie Madoff.  

That's why Alderson's Twitter account (which he opened yesterday) really made me mad.  In the same week that a blogger was barred from the clubhouse for detailing a situation that has crippled the team for the foreseeable future, no less than THE TEAM'S GENERAL MANAGER shows up on Twitter writing late night talk show jokes about that very situation.  

Alderson's job; rebuilding a team that just lost its best player, restocking a oft overlooked farm system, and trying to energize a fan base that has suffered five-plus years of figurative nut punching is unenviable, and nobody ever said that he couldn't have any fun with it.  As always seems to happen with the Mets though, the timing is awful and it portrays a certain level of tone deafness.  I know that nobody hits my little brother but me, but taking him out and pushing him off a cliff is a bit too far.  

lol no


  1. I have heard that the Mets are doomed forever

    is there any truth to this
